Manifest Rises Digital Festival, Columbia College Chicago, 2020
2020 SunTimes Article
Manifest is Columbia College Chicago’s student driven event that showcases graduating student work. As an annual tradition and defining ritual, Manifest brings the entire community together to celebrate our creative spirit and develop long-lasting, memorable relationships and connections. Despite a global shutdown, Columbia College Chicago came together to celebrate our students, their time with us, and their work through a digital festival, Manifest Rises, through a combination of live and static showcases.
Led the transition from in-person day-of festival to a week-long virtual festival to include over 80 showcases in just 6 weeks. Supported staff, faculty, and student event organizers in rethinking event formats for a quick turnaround to a virtual festival.
Oversaw the development of communication and social media strategies, video content, messaging for on and off-campus marketing, best practices for accessibility, content submission processes, and kick-off event and Jamila Woods headliner performance.
View detailed Manifest Rises Recap with analytics here.
Video Credit: Paige Brunsen